Social Value Commitments at One Horton Heath

Our HR and Health & Safety colleagues have been busy carrying out important Social Value Commitments within the Eastleigh community.

We invited Mansbridge Primary School to attend an educational site visit at our One Horton Heath project in Eastleigh, Southampton.

Carli and Bekka delivered a short presentation to the young people on the days itinerary, the importance of Construction Site Safety and showcased a video to highlight the scale of the One Horton Heath project.

The young people were presented with Hi-Vis jackets to wear and keep, along with Road Safety Play-Set Equipment which we donated to the class to help with their learning.

The young people experienced plant operation, the opportunity to see plant upfront and have their photo taken, followed by the opportunity to see a live site environment.

It was a pleasure to host Mansbridge Primary School pupils and staff and we would like to thank the school for allowing us to be part of such a rewarding and important day.

To date we have had excellent feedback from the Mansbridge Head Teacher.

“A huge thank you for the wonderful trip you organised for year R. They thoroughly enjoyed their time with you and are writing about their trip today. Even the boys who would normally not be engaged in writing are putting pen to paper. This is the wonderful thing about trips, they always inspire children to write. I did want to thank you personally for taking the time to organise this for the children and for the lovely equipment you have donated to us”.

This highlights the important benefits of Construction education.