Old Dalmarnock Road Green Infrastructure

Client: Clyde Gateway

Value: £1m

Project Description:

The green infrastructure project involved vacant land beside the Bridgeton Community Learning Campus transformed into ‘active greenspace’.

Works Included:

  • Clearance of rubbish and fly tipped debris.
  • Thinning out and opening up the existing woodland, forming new pathways and openings with good lines of visibility.
  • Introducing a junior bike circuit.
  • Creating a community growing space close to the BCLC.
  • Forming a new path and opening to the existing play area off Dale Street.
  • Introducing some informal natural play elements into the existing open space.
  • Improving the existing pathways.
  • Introducing new fencing, gateways and seating at different points.
  • Planting with native ground flora species to improve biodiversity throughout.

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